Sunday, May 16, 2010

Desperately Seeking Middle Name for a Baby Girl...?

...that isn't ridiculously common, but not so "out-there" that people will go "HUH?!"

Please don't misunderstand: I have NOTHING against the names Anne, Sue, Nicole, or Marie, but they are just so commonly used as middle names, in my opinion, simply because they go with most first names.

My daughter is 18 wks pregnant (we won't even know the sex for 2 more weeks!) They have agreed on Baylee for a first name, but there's some tension over the middle name. Now they are considering Anne but it's not my daughter's 1st choice. Sure, Baylee Anne sounds nice, but it's just so common, and that's the problem she has w/that name.

I've suggested Christine, Jade, Elizabeth, Aleah, Michelle, and even Lynn (in honor of my daughter's deceased father; that was his middle name) but those names have all been vetoed.

I realize I have no say-so over my grandchild's name; I just am searching for ideas to toss out to them that they could agree on.

Thx in advance for ANY suggestions! :-)

Desperately Seeking Middle Name for a Baby Girl...?
My sister's middle name is Noelle. I always thought that was such a great middle name. And it goes good with Baylee.
Reply:My friend's daughter is: Heaven (first) Lea(second) Grace(third name)

If I ever have a girl I would name her: Krya

My other friend's daughter is: Alexis.
Reply:Baylee elyse
Reply:How about:

Baylee Amanda

Baylee Teresa

Baylee Rose

Baylee Camille

Baylee Samantha

Baylee Suzanne
Reply:Your name is Jennifer? and you are grandma?

I would go with Baylee Jennifer or Baylee JennaLynn (That's really a good one if you ask me!)

or what is the other Grandma's name?

I like when names have meaning. Here's some others that just sound nice to me. sorry if they're repeats, didn't read other responses:

Baylee Azrael

Baylee Ariel

Baylee Lorraine

Baylee Jasmine

Baylee Savannah

Baylee Cameron

Baylee Raven
Reply:a middle name to go with baylee? hmm...

rae/ ray

rain/ rayne





i kinda like anne though.... but it is really common for a middle name
Reply:I like Lynn and I like Aleah but spelled Alliyah
Reply:I recomend Baylee Grace

It has a really pritty ring to it
Reply:Azarlia Paige (someone's answer above)

That is sooooo funny.

My cat is Azaria. My dog is Tatum Paige.

I had a dog once named...

Kristi Ann Jeanette Renee Lyn Kay Lorraine Delores

Roseanne Roseanna Danna Denise Mary Claire Elvira Rebecca Jane Coleen Zelda Esmerelda Ermadeen Marinda May Marmalade Borrell.

My that inspire you!!!!

Bailey Diana
Reply:Well here are my daughters names if it's any help.

Chantal Starr

Azarlia Paige

Tarys Jade
Reply:i have 3 girls and i too don't like common names (although my first daughter somewhat lucked out)

here are their names

1. Katelynne michele

2. Chelsei meaghan

3. Saydei (prounounced say-dee) Mariah

here are some suggestions

Baylee Mariah

Baylee Delilah

Baylee Rayelle

Baylee Savanna

Baylee Cheyenne

Baylee Violet

good luck and congratulations!!!
Reply:Baylee Lia
Reply:Baylee May

Baylee Alicia

Baylee Marly
Reply:Baylee is a wonderful name!! I love it! Let's see if I can help with middle names........

Baylee Madeline

Baylee Haven

Baylee Sylene

Baylee Mason

Baylee Mylene

Hope this helped or at least sparked some thoughts that help. = )
Reply:Baylee Krista

Baylee Janelle

Baylee Rose

Baylee Alexis

Baylee Melissa

Baylee Kate

Baylee Alyse

Baylee Gabrielle
Reply:Baylee Joleen

Baylee jolie

Baylee rayne

Baylee ray

Baylee renee

Baylee diane

Baylee dawn

Baylee jewell

Thats it off the top of my head that I like

Oh, and Baylee leanne this is fun
Reply:How about Bethany?
Reply:Baylee Alexis, Baylee Shay, Baylee Morgan, Baylee Brianna, Baylee Rebecca....I am hopeing that I am going to be having a girl....I am pretty decided on Macyn Riley....I have my fingers crossed.
Reply:Baylee Rae, I just love it sounds beautiful but NOT common, which I would rather not have either.

thanks for the advice on the whole child thing. Anyway with Baylee being two syllables I have always thought it should go two syllable then one syllable or vice versa... my kids names are

Macy Sky

Ren Georgia

Good Luck!

Lindy Lee
Reply:ok how about:

baylee Elise

baylee Janelle

baylee Janessa

baylee skye

baylee star

baylee Asia

baylee Grace
Reply:What about:

Baylee Jacinda

Baylee Carmen

Baylee Louise

Baylee Loren

Baylee Rebecca

Baylee Lucinda

Baylee Lynette (after her father!)

Baylee Victoria

Baylee Kimberlie

Baylee Joie

Baylee Camille

good luck!

Reply:Baylee Alize. Baylee Alicia. Baylee Ali
Reply:i think baylee elizabeth is nice
Reply:How about: Sue, Anne, Beth, Briana. Good luck.
Reply:Baylee Sage

Baylee Grace

Baylee Kate
Reply:I think

Baylee Ariel is a beautiful combination with the both L sounds. (my cousin's name is Loralee Ariel) Baylee is one of my favorite names!

my other favorite is Baylee Belle!

here are some others I love:

Baylee Lila (or Lily or Lilian)

Baylee Lisette

Baylee Juliet

Baylee Isabelle

Baylee Blythe

Baylee Bianca

Baylee Aurabelle

Baylee Violet

Baylee Lauryn

Baylee Celise
Reply:I think :

-Baylee Maria

-Baylee Vellya

-Baylee Therine

-Baylee Meryl

-Baylee Jessica(it's my friend's suggestion)

Hope u'll find a good middle name ;)
Reply:i like jade




Reply:I think it is GREAT there is hesitation over the names, your name is who you are!! I Love the name Baylee! I am only 16 but have picked out well HELPED pick out MANY names in my family.... we are irish and are all about the meaning behind the name! I used to hate my middle name, Erin but since my first name is Ashley which is SOOO overused I am glad to have another name thats not so popular to be called! I dont have any names in particular but tell them to go look online and see the meanings behind the names, it may help! I looked up Baylee and it originates from America but means baliff! (Some of the origins are stupid !) I love that name as well as Caeden! Hope this helps!

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