Friday, May 21, 2010

My parents were not thrilled to hear about us expecting another child. Why?

We told my parents about a week ago that we were having another baby. I am married and me and my wife (jade) are very financially stable. Well they were not the least bit excited for us. we only have one other child. She is a 2 year old who is healthy and very well behaved. They were more excited over my sisters pregnancy when she got pregnant at 17 than with this one! Why do you think this is?

Oh yeah they love my wife so its not that they dont like the mother!

My parents were not thrilled to hear about us expecting another child. Why?
maybe they fear that you are really grown up now and are happy, and they are jealous? I don't know. Maybe they think they don't have room in their hearts for one more? Anyway you look at it, it is unfair of them to pick favorites. I had that problem growing up and now i resent my grandparents.

I am not trying to be mean, really i'm not, but i will pray that your parents get their heads out of their a**, and be more kind to this new addition to your family.

btw: Congrats to you and your wife for the new bundle of joy coming into your life!
Reply:Ure obviously coping very well, and they can see this..

Good 4 u !!

Reply:Who cares how they feel? They main thing is, that you and you wife are happy about this. It sounds like you are, and you say you are financially stable, so that's all that matters. If they don't like it. Oh well. They'll get over it.
Reply:Maybe they were expecting it and weren't all that surprised. Plus, this is their third (at least) grandchild. They could be thinking that while you are financially stable, it's added costs to them in terms of gift giving (as lame as that answer is). They'll fall in love with your baby once it's born!
Reply:My family is the same way. My parents are never thrilled to learn that they are having another grandchild. I guess some parents are like that. How far along is your wife? Maybe they will except it more and more when your wife gets closer to having the baby. I know mine did.
Reply:they might feel real old of u and ur sister have babys already maybe in thier mind they wanted to wait to be grandparents
Reply:well old ppl [not being mean] luv children so they were not *** old now as they were when ur sister was 17 and were probley pretty mad so :D good luck-jileya
Reply:My mum was the same I was pregnant at 17 she was horrified at first but cant get enough of her now (shes nine) my second child is 1 and i am 27 now but my parents have hardly ever had her on her own, they just dont seem interested, they dont want to have her. My guess is that she is the 3rd grandchild and she just cant handle 3 kids. She says shes too old to have a baby overnight but she'll have my nine yr old whenver. I think it totally unfair on my younger daughter tho because she'll get old enough to realise her sister takes priority. My sis had a baby boy and hes a right handful, my mum doesnt like having him too long because hes so much trouble but I think if it wasn't for him my parents woulds feel differently. I don';t expect my mum and dad to babysit overnight I just want them to be a little more interested but Im supposing that at their age they just want time to theirselves? Maybe this is the same with yours?!? Dont know?
Reply:Maybe they will be more excited as the time goes by. My grandparents don't ever seem excited until the baby is born. Then they are right there to see the baby.
Reply:I don't really have an answer for you but do not let them take away any joy for you. If they want to act like that just ignore them. Congratulations.
Reply:It could be they are maybe worried that they'll be expected to take care of the 2 yr old while you guys are dealing with the delivery of new baby and adjusting to baby those first few days. No matter how well behaved a 2 yr old is they are a handful especially while mommy is out of the picture with a new baby!

That or maybe your sister having a baby had jaded them over new babies. Are they helping out alot with her child?
Reply:they dont wanna feel old..?
Reply:WOW, Well maybe they are old and scared they won't be there for the child?

hmmm Maybe they are happy but don't want to go to crazy until things have moved along ?

Did you have them babysit much? Maybe they don't want to babysit?

Maybe they think it is to much stress for you and your wife?

Do they think you are having problems in your marriage?

Maybe they didn't know you wanted more and you got them when they were not expecting it?

Did you ever make them think you didn't want more children that one was to much?

children shoes

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