Friday, May 21, 2010

I picked out name what do you think?

Yeah so I'm having a baby and if it's a girl I'll name her Madison Jade or Miranda Jade and if its a boy I'm going to name him Warren, does anybody know what I should put as a middle name if I have a boy and which is better (Miranda or Madison) if i have a girl ?

I picked out name what do you think?
How about Warren Jude? I prefer Miranda Jade.
Reply:Miranda Jade...Madison is a very common name right now.

I think MiMi is a cute nickname for Miranda, btw.

Warren James

Warren Blake

Warren Andrew

Warren Christian

Warren Daniel

Warren Evan
Reply:Madison Jade

Warren Jay

Warren Jackson
Reply:i like Miranda Jade better .for the boys name maybe ---- Warren Dale or Warren Tobias or Warren Price or Warren Wayne or Warren Issac or Warren Edward or Warren Buelle or Warren Patrick? good luck.
Reply:I like Miranda better than Madison. How about Warren Anthony for a boy?
Reply:I like Warren Isaac although it reall does depend on your last name.
Reply:oooh i like ur girl names! Miranda isnt as popular as Madison, and Jade flows better with Miranda, so my vote is gonna have to be Miranda Jade! and i rally liek Warren for a boy its playful yet serious for when he gets older and is aplying for a job or how about these middle names:James, Lee, Dean, Liam, Riley, Logan, thomas,

well i hope this helps!

best of luck and congrats on ur new baby!
Reply:Hmm, I like Madison, i think its prettier, and i love the name warren, but maybe a more traditional middle name like simon, oliver or anthony
Reply:I like the name Madison but it is very popular!!! I would use Miranda Jade.... I like Warren Jacob
Reply:madison jade! and warren thomas!
Reply:Warren Alexander is cute for a boy. I like Miranda more for a girl.
Reply:I would stay away from Madison. It is something like the number 2 baby name in the US, which means that your daughter will be one of a few Madisons in her grade, most likely. It also is very trendy with the tweens and the teenage mommies.

Miranda is a very pretty name! Miranda Jade has a nice ring to it.

Warren is nice. I think I'd like it with a more common name, Warren James, Warren Michael, or something like that. It's not used so often these days, so to pair it with a common name is a nice twist!

Good luck!
Reply:Madison is extremely popular

Miranda Jade is cute.

For a boy, Warren James, Warren Benjamin, Warren Alexander, Warren Nathaniel.

Reply:Miranda both are common but i like miranda jade better its a little less common.

Warren Bradly

Warren Elmer

Warren Gaige
Reply:I'm really loving Miranda Jade. Just don't call her Mandy. or Randy. Miranda is so beautiful it shouldn't be altered.

How about Warren Denver?

I loove the name Warren!
Reply:Definantly go Madison Jade. I know too many annoying middle aged ladies named Miranda.... ugh.

Madison Jade is adorable and unique.

Warren Asher

Warren Pierce

Warren Jude
Reply:Warren Kane or Warren Jace

Madison is cute to me... but it is VERY common lately
Reply:I would not go with Madison simply because it has been sooo trendy for a few years now, and there are going to be tons of kids with that name. Miranda is a little more unique, and still very pretty.
Reply:I like Miranda Jade much better than Madison Jade. Madison is getting old and worn.

Warren is a cool name. What about Warren Clark, Warren Ross, or Warren Archer?

Meant to add: I think Mira (meeruh) is a very pretty nickname for Miranda.
Reply:I think Miranda. But the nicknames for that are a little manly: Randy and Andy.
Reply:Miranda Jade and Warren Cade or Warren Cole. Good luck!
Reply:I have always loved the name Miranda, so that would be my choice.

Warren Joseph

Warren James

Warren Thomas

A traditional name in case the kid doesn't like Warren
Reply:I love Madison Jade, I love the name Warren...but not sure of a middle name!
Reply:I like em, good job.
Reply:Warren Allen

Warren Matthew

Warren Anthony

I like Madison Jade the best.
Reply:I like madison Jade better than Miranda Jade

Warren James

Warren Aaron

Warren Paxton

Warren Robin

Warren Elliott

Warren Jon
Reply:I say Miranda Jade all the way.

And for the guy........... uhm what do you think about Warren


Warren Jake

Warren Jensen
Reply:i like the name madison better then you can just call her maddie, but don't you think that is a little safe.

Warren is a little old fashion for me but any way

Harrison Warren

Warren Harrison

Nathan Warren

Cole Warren
Reply:I like both girl names the same.

Warren Spencer

Warren Vaugnn

Warren Grant

Warren Drake

Warren Murphy

Warren Zane

Warren Blaine

Warren Slade

There are a bunch of good ones. Just pick one that flows with your last name and not Michael.

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