Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Baby Names! Opinions Needed!?

So, I've got some names here and wanted to hear what you thought of them:


Aiden Michael

August James

Blaize Michael

Connor David

Oliver Thomas (my favorite work of literature is Dicken's Oliver Twist)


Alessia Jane (I also love Jane Austen)

Tatiana Juliet

Catina Raine

Janessa Avive

Evandra Grace


Novella Jane

Gabrielle Jade

Sasja Louise (Say-sha)

I'd like some feed back. Any stand out?

* I'm big on unique names. I'd rather have my children correct people on the pronunciation or spelling of their name than to alwats have to ask, "Which one are you asking?" because their name is so popular.

Baby Names! Opinions Needed!?
Aiden is much too popular. Actually, anything ending in "-en" these days are too common and trendy.

Don't like August or Blaize. Especially Blaize!

Connor is nice, but my favourite is Oliver Thomas by far!! Great name!

Alessia Jane is beautiful! I really love it! Gabrielle Jade and Evandra Grace are lovely too. I really like Alessia the best though!! Ali or Lessie are cute nicknames. Evie is a nice nickanme for Evandra, but there quite a few Eva's out there now, which is pretty similar.

The other girl names I'm not fond of. I do like Juliet and Jane as first names though.

Hope I helped.

EDIT: Jane Austen is the author of Pride and Prejudice. Please don't name your daughter that.
Reply:I love the name Aiden Michael and Tatiana Juliet

the names are unique yet people wont be reading the roster in school sounding out the pronunciation of the name. the names aren't to common as far as i know..there is nothing worse than being in school and having to have your last initial attached to everything because multiple people had the same first name.

I was called Nicole G. grades K-8

then when i was in high school there were 5 Ashley's, people used their last names to address them.

Then in college professors would have trouble remembering if I was the studious Nicole or the slacking Nicole
Reply:OK i understand your not wanting another Jacob in this world but i have a feeling you dont have an odd name yourself ask someone who has had to correct people on the pronunciation their entire life %26amp; see what they think

everyone i know who has had to do this is so fustrated remember its not you who has to go thru this

anyway as far as your list

Aiden Michael.....very nice but super popular

Oliver Thomas....this is nice not way out there but not common

Gabrielle jade...but she will probably end up gabby

Jane Austin.....I think of that movie that just came out but the name is very nice
Reply:I actually really like Alessia Jane, Evandra Grace, and Gabrielle ..not so much Jade. I am not sure if you are aware that novella is the term for a spanish soap opera. I dislike Janessa and find Sasja refreshingly intriguing.

For the boys, I prefer Aiden, Oliver, and Blaize. All the middle names are acceptable.
Reply:Well Aiden isnt the way to go if you dont want a popular name...

My fave for a boy is August James

Girl: Evandra Grace (that is really creative, kudos!!!)

And my name is Ashley so I praise you for saving your kid from answering to he/she's name when they are calling for someone else...
Reply:I love them all. I too like unique names. I guess my favorites from your list are

boys: Aiden Michael

girls: Jenessa Avive or Sasja Louise

But honestly, all the names you choose are beautiful. Sometimes you have to look at a child to know which one fits. Good luck.
Reply:Out of the guys names I like Aiden/Blaize Micheal the best.

Out of the girls names Tatiana Juliet really stands out to me. Cute nickname= tati.

*Same here. My name is delia and i constantly have to correct people but I've never met another delia.
Reply:Boy: Blaize Michael (if your going for unique then stay away from Aiden, that is like the most popular boys name in 07)

Girl: Tatiana Juliet or Evandra Grace

Good luck!
Reply:for a boy my favorite is aiden michael. i also like connor david. for a girl my favorite is alessia jane.
Reply:I love Oliver thomas and aiden and blaize

I absolutely love love love Evandra Grace!!! I think that is absoultely beatiful! and I love the nickname Evie! beautiful beautiful!!
Reply:Oliver Thomas is great

not sure about the girls names but the more i say it the more i like Janessa Avive x
Reply:My favorites from your lists are Oliver Thomas and Evandra Grace. Both are really pretty and unique without being made up or ridiculous.
Reply:I love Sasja Louise, Evandra Grace is pretty too.

I like Oliver Thomas for boy names.
Reply:i love evandra grace, with evie for short

and aiden james would be my favorite for a boy even though that wasnt a choice lol
Reply:I'm with you, I like unique names! I didn't quite get my way with that when naming my son, Henry. My husband really wanted it as he is English. It's pretty common in the UK, at least it's not too common in the US.

I agree, Aiden is WAY popular now (as is Jayden and Brayden and Kaiden!)

Connor was very popular about 10 yrs ago, but it's still up there.

I love Oliver!! (I am also a Dickens fan and my cat is named Marley after the Christmas Carol character Jacob Marley!)

Out of all your choices for boys' names, I really do like August! I always have, it just sounds so classical. Of course, Oliver is good too!

Out of your girl names....

I love Jane Austen!

I prefer Catalina to Catina (Catalina was the Spanish name of Henry VIII's 1st wife Katherine of Aragon)

I don;t like Tatiana, but I love Juliet.

I really like Avive for a middle name.

Janessa sounds too much like Jessica which is too common.

I had a whole list of girl names picked out, but of course we had a boy!

I liked:




Bronte (Bron-tay)




Good luck, congratulations and have fun choosing a name!!

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