Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What's a Cuter Name For my sister's daughter?

Listen i need your help!

My sister and her husband let me choose the name for their Baby They are pretty sure it's a girl!

here are my top choices





%26amp; just incase it's a boy





If You Don't like any of the above then feel free to add some of your own


What's a Cuter Name For my sister's daughter?
i love all these names, but my daughter has the nick name Sydney after Sid vicious as she has a very vicious nature but she doesn't quite get biting and hitting others is naughty unacceptable behaviour as she has only just turned two.

i love these names and good luck and best wishes on being an auntie, its harder being a mum.

This message was sent to you today with love.
Reply:there not bad, but could b better in my opinion :) and btw, Congrats!

for a girl you could do.... (and u need middle names too)

Karys Madalyn or Karis Emilee (whichever they lik better)

Marilyn Brielle

Camilla Jayne

Cora Belle or Corabelle

Natalia Brielle is pretty.

Tanner Lynn

Gracie Lynn

Graciella Mae

Amelia Marie

Loren Elizabeth

and I like of your choices...

Nadia (spelled like that otherwise it gets too hard to pronounce and then Corinne. That is pretty- Nadia Corrine


Jayne Rosalie is pretty. And if you really like Jade, then Jade Rosalie

I also like the name Tyne Michelle

and Alona (ah-lon-ah) Kyra or Alona Giselle

for boys...

Rylan Carter or Ryland Carter

Dominick Tye/Ty

Justin Christopher... but I really like...

Leyton Christopher


Paxton Alexander


Kaeden Dakota

and Kesler Pierce


Harrison James

Ok, I hope I was a help and you like my suggestions (infact, I hope they like them!)

Thx and again, congrats!
Reply:I like Shayla Jade and Dominic Aaron. :-)
Reply:I cute one for a boy is Jayden, and for a girl I think the best one is jade and Sydney, they are both gorgeous names and will fit no matter what
Reply:Girl- Sydney Elizabeth

Boy- Jayden Odysseus

Elizabeth and Odysseus are the 2nd names.
Reply:shayla for the girl and jayden for the boy
Reply:Shayla is awful, jade is a slutty name.

sydney is sute, nadiya is nice but what about with a h nadiyah??

HATE Jayden, think of all the teen mothers who will call theyre baby that in the next few years??? Also hate Aaron, so boring. I dont reallt like Dominick justin is ok.

What about

Amelie Kayte

Juliana Grace

Ellianah Nicole

Lily Ella

Freya Soleil

Annabel Sophia

Audrey Scarlett


if a boy Andre Max Soren Leon Santino Keelan Kian Julian
Reply:Jade and Jayden
Reply:jalya for girl and jayden for boy
Reply:Girl: Jade

Boy: Jayden.
Reply:My 22 yo daughter says Jade, and she doesn't like the boys' names.

I like Meridith (call her Merri).

Jacobi for a boy.

TX Mom
Reply:I like Nadia for a girl (Nadiya looks misspelled and only makes you seem illiterate which I know you aren't.) and Aaron for a boy.
Reply:i like shayla for a girl and jayden for a boy.
Reply:No, don't like any of them, except Dominic (no K)

Or maybe Nadia without the Y.

At least you haven't mentioned Mackenzie or Landon.

Be kind to your new niece, and call her something nice like

Julia, Alice, Amelia, Susanna or Tara.
Reply:I can not stand children being named after places like Sydney - always makes me think whether that is where they were conceived. I love the name Jessie or Jessica and for a boy Aiden or Noah
Reply:Girl: Jade

Boy: Jayden (I love Jayden for a boy although my husband thinks it sound too girly).

For a Girl - a very cute name is Nevaeh (Pronounced Na-vey-ah). It is Heaven spelled backwards.
Reply:the only decent one is Jade

nadiya?!?! what the heck??!

*Jayden and such spellings are a trend, therefore not a good idea
Reply:sydney is special, go for it!

Justin is cool!
Reply:I like Sydney for a girl. That's SO cute.

%26amp; I like Jayden for a boy. It's really common but I love it!

Reply:I like Jade the best

and Aaron or Justin for a boy.
Reply:Nadia or Sydney


Here's some other names:

Donovan -boy

Jeremiah or Jeremy -boy

Caleb -boy

Hunter -boy

Elijah -boy

Joseph or Joshua -boy

William -boy

Daniel -boy

James -boy

Alexander -boy

Collin -boy

Owen -boy

Parker -boy

Damian -boy

Blake -boy

Blaine -boy

Bradley -boy

Cedric -boy

Cameron -boy/girl

Camden -boy/girl

Tatiana -girl

Elora -girl

Kaia -girl

Alana -girl

Bailey -girl

Alexis -girl

I wrote those specific names down because based on the ones you've already listed I thought that you might like them.

Good Luck! I hope I made it easy for you in one way or another.

Reply:I loove Shayla and Sydney, very pretty.

And for a boy I like Jayden %26amp; Aaron.

other suggestions are:

girls- Callie, Aubrey, Raelynn, Brooke, Brielle.

boys- Tanner, Troy, Kane, Caleb, Ryder.
Reply:Not struck by any, the girls name all look mis spelt which i dont like apart from Jade and sydney







Victoria (tori)

Reply:Wow! Congratulations -- this is a real honor! I might go with something like Sydney, maybe something more original. For example, my name is Aria (pronounced: Are-Eee-Uh. Meaning: solo melody; in Opera) and I am an only child, hence; Solo Melody. For a boy, I would choose something like Jayden; Aaron is wayyyyy too late ninties Aaron Carter (that would almost be like naming a girl Britney-- UGH) Dominick is cute, and Justin is really just too ordinary. Maybe for a boy you could choose something like Rocco or Nevada, maybe Griffen? And possibly for a girl: Rory (short for Lorelai--Sorry i'm a Gilmore Girl FANATIC!) Natalie, Jennifer, Ashlyn, Natasha, Belle, Tori (short for Victoria) Aria (lol, you know I love it!), Abigiail or maybe Kennedy. I esspecially like Aria or Kennedy :-D

Good Luck and tell your sister Congratulations!
Reply:I like Shayla and Jade!

Here are some more:










Reply:Mia is a cute one for a girl I also like Nadiya. For a boy I like the name Milan. Its totally up to u I like the top choices too.
Reply:if its a girl for sure, i fink dat the name tara is reeli sweet hope u lyk it as much as i du...xx
Reply:In my family we are Shannon, Shane %26amp; Shaylin so I LOVE Shayla :) And for a boy I've always loved Dominick! Jayden is good too. Congrats to you and your sister! :)
Reply:Girl: Sydney.

Boy: Jayden.












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