Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Trying for another child--baby names advice?

For a boy, we like Isaiah Michael Phoenix. Isaiah is my fiance's favourite book of the Bible (but we're not religious), Michael is my fiance's name, and Phoenix is a name we like.

For a girl, he likes Isis Maria. Isis is the name of one of his favourite bands and Maria is my grandmother's name.

The girl's name I like is Savannah Maria Cate. With Savannah, he like Savannah Lilianna Cate. Savannah is beautiful, and also the name of a song by one of his favourite bands, Lilianna is a combo of names we like (Lily for me, Anna, pro. Aw-na for him), and Cate we just love.

Our daughter's name is Zoe Delenda Jade. He has loved Zoe for years, Delenda was the name of an album by one of his favourite bands, released the day we found out we were pregnant with her and Jade is one I love.

Can you tell that he is a very musical guy?

Anyway, what do you think of our boys name, and what girl's name is better? Do they fit with our daughter's name?

Trying for another child--baby names advice?
Your daughter has a beautiful name, "Zoe Delanda Jade". It is reminiscent of my daughter's name: "Renee Ava Jade" so I guess I'm biased ;] I love the way the syllables flow together and think this would be great to mirror in your new baby's name. "Zoe Delanda Jade" [2-3-1] - it sounds fantastic. For this reason, I think Savannah Lilianna Cate, [3-4-1] and "Lilianna" is a personal favourite name of mine. Maria is also timeless and beautiful, the decision shall be tricky!

"Savannah Isis Cate" sounds lovely too - in fact, I would be inclined to use this combination to incorporate the personal meaning related to your partner choosing "Isis" and "Savannah" is a name you both love. Cate sounds simply charming on the end!

For a little boy, "Michael Phoenix" has a nice ring to it, I would be more inclined to go with "Micah Phoenix", another Biblical name, just for some difference, but I can see why choosing "Michael" would be significant in echoing Daddy's name. Hope this helps a bit! Good luck with your new addition :]
Reply:Don't do the name Isis. That sounds terrible! I like the name Isaiah and Savannah.
Reply:Isaiah Michael Phoenix

Savannah Maria Cate
Reply:The boys' name is perfect! Isaiah is a great first name, and I like that it is meaningful to your husband. I love the idea of naming kids after family members, so Michael is definitely an excellent middle name choice. And Phoenix is unusual but very cool. I'm glad you chose to use Isaiah as the first name -- it's not as common as Michael, so he won't grow up with several other friends with the same name, but it's not as unusual as Phoenix, and sometimes kids want a more "normal" name when they are growing up.

Your girls' names are nice as well. I think Savannah Maria Cate sounds better than Savannah Lilianna Cate, and I like that you would be naming your daughter after your grandmother. However, the name Savannah borders pretty-but-overused for me. (It ranked #30 last year.) Because of that, if you and your husband are the daring type, I would almost advise you to go with Isis. It is definitely the more interesting choice, so my aesthetic sensibilities are pointing me in that direction. However, your daughter honestly might find the name Savannah easier to "wear," especially when she is young and in school. If you name her Isis, I could imagine her coming to you and complaining, "Mom, why couldn't you have given me a normal name like Madison or Emily?" The name Isis might be one of those names she wouldn't appreciate until she was older, but a lot of that depends on your future daughter's personality, and if you explain to her why you chose the name, she might like having a name that is unique and special.

Oh, and all the names sound just fine with Zoe Delenda Jade.

Good luck!
Reply:i like isaiah michael phoenix

i like savannah isis maria

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