Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Baby naming advice - problems with MIL?

We are due in August and have decided on the name Tallulah!

Problem is: my MIL started this tradition where she gave all 4 of her daughters the middle name Ann....and all 4 of them gave their daughters the middle name Ann. They now expect me to fall in line with the tradition. (they have all mentioned it me several times since we've been married). However, I have a step-sister named Ann who has been a very destructive, negative, and unbearably evil person to everyone in my family. She has done such horrible and hateful things to us that I could never bestow her name upon my precious child.

I finally called my MIL and explained this to her and she understood completely but asked me to compromise. She wants me to use a name with "Ann" in it somewhere. She suggested Cheyenne. I like Cheyenne for a middle name b/c Ann isn't in it...but it still keep DH's side of the family happy that I compromised.

Is the name Tallulah Cheyenne too much???? They are both indian names and I thought maybe that was too much. Does anyone have any other suggestions of middles names with Ann somewhere in there???

another one I have thought of was Tallulah Anabel??? My first choice was going to be Tallulah Jade but I don't want to be looked at as the black sheep in the family who wouldn't compromise. What do you guys think????? Thanks!

Baby naming advice - problems with MIL?
maybe leanne, tanner, or danielle? they have a good flow and don't sound too much like ann =]
Reply:I can see how you would be torn in this situation. I am impressed that you even considered naming the middle name Ann. We have the same tradition in my family too. I plan on doing that however my husband is the third and I didn't even consider naming my son a 4th!

I am off topic. I don't care for Tallulah Cheyenne. It is a bit much. Tallulah is very cute.

Personally I would compromise and name her:

Tallulah Ryann

You could also use:

Tallulah Morgan (is that stretching it too much?)

Tallulah Lianne

Tallulah Ainsley

Tallulah Annette

Tallulah Roseann

Tallulah Jordann

Tallulah Arianna

Good Luck. SD
Reply:Go with Tallulah Jade. It is YOUR child. If your MIL's daughters want to give their daughters the middle name Ann, that's their choice. You are NOT her daughter and certainly have no obligation to carry on HER family tradition.

Your MIL sounds very understanding. I think you should just tell her you want to name your own child. After all, she got to name hers.
Reply:Don't share your name choices w/your MIL. This is your child, not hers. Name your child whatever pleases YOU %26amp; YOUR DH.
Reply:Tallulah Cheyenne is a fine name.

Here are some other ideas though:

Tallulah Angelique

Tallulah Antoinette
Reply:Tallulah Cheyenne is a very nice name...and I am very

critical of names that are given to children these day,

I register baby names at the hospital when they are born.

Since she will not be using her middle name a lot, that is not too much...

how often do you use your middle name???

very good...I like it..Tallulah Anabel is stupid sounding...I would not want that name to be stuck on anybody or dog.
Reply:They shouldn't put this pressure on you. it's your child.

At least you could compromise.

What about Suzann (Suzanna) or Maryann (Mariana), just to add some to the ones you presented and posted.

Congrats on lil Tallulah!
Reply:I think that'd be too complicated of a name.

Cheyennes a wonderful name though.

tallulah jade would fit together though.

did you and hubby think of a backup name in case

tallulah didnt work out?

I had naming problems with my first daughter

really wanted gabriella - and daddy wanted something else

our child didnt have a name for about 2 weeks haha she was just "baby" we finally found another name later on - and it's working out wonderfully =)
Reply:You're not her daughter and your husband's name isn't Ann. I would tell your MIL that you and hubby talked about it and are still up in the air on the final name but Ann isn't on the top 5 list.

Don't feel badly. This is a tradition for her daughters not her sons.

BabyCenter has a great message board - Dealing with the Inlaws.
Reply:Tallulah; bright; dawn

Tallulah Vivian.....alive

Tallulah Analiese....grace; favour

Tallulah Angelis (AN jell iss).....messenger

Instead of thinking of the whole Ann issue as between you and them....think of your daughter, she will probably love having her middle name be similar to the rest of the girls in her dad's family.
Reply:I can't believe they are selfishly putting pressure on you to use the name of their choice.

Name your child what you want, not what your MIL wants.

Honestly Tallulah Cheyenne is quite a mouthful and doesn't sound great together.

If you want to go with a different Ann-sounding name, how about Tallulah Analyn, Tallulah Brianne or Tallulah Anabelle (as you mentioned).
Reply:I think Tallulah Cheyenne is beautiful. I actually prefer it to Tullulah Jade. But juts remember, its YOUR child and YOU get to choose the name. It should be whatever you want it to be. They dont have to live with wht u name her, you and her do!
Reply:In the end, of course it's up to you, and no one can /force/ you to use the middle name Ann. However, it seems like a nice family tradition and it's a shame that it would be ruined because of one nasty person. I like the idea of Tallulah Anabel-- that way the Ann isn't so prominent, but it still honors the tradition. I don't like Cheyenne because it seems tacky and offensive, to be honest!

Tallulah is cute, by the way. I love Tally as a nickname.
Reply:choose what ever name you want-trust me-you will regret this-say to her when shes older-you were too special to have a tradition name-you were my baby girl and i wanted to name you whatever i wanted-now remember-you will have kids one day-dont let anyone tell ou what to call it-cause lifes too short to always pleese others.specally when its somwthing as preshess as a child-be true to your self and call it what ever you want.
Reply:Tallulah would not go well with Ann as the only middle name. It is a current trend to have several middle names, so that would solve your problem. She could be Tallulah Annie Jade or something similar. Here are some more ideas:

Tallulah Diana (or Diane)

Tallulah Anise

Tallulah Brianne

Tallulah Jade Allianne

Tallulah Juliann

Tallulah Annessa

Good Luck!
Reply:I totally agree with the last poster... Your husband's name is not Ann and you are not her daughter. It is not your tradition, shame on them for pressuring you into thinking so. If you are going to do it anyway, use Diane or Brianne... but I wouldn't do it at all.

By last poster I mean More Cowboys..
Reply:I don't see how she can expect you to follow her tradition. Now, if dh asked it of you, that's another matter.

I really dislike the name Cheyenne, but love Tallulah Annabel!
Reply:Tallulah Cheyenne is pretty over the top.






Joanne / Joanna








Name her whatever you and your husband want! Your mother-in-law doesn't get to pick.
Reply:Tallulah Anabel is ok. The other suggested name is too much.

But, if you want me to be completely honest, Tallulah is a dreadful name.

My suggestion....get a cat and name it that....
Reply:I have no clue why but i like Annatasia im not sure thats how you spell it but it could be Tallulah Annatasia and whatever your last name is
Reply:i think this is the girls on the family tradition, you have your own family, therefore should start your own traditions!

sorry i think Tallulah is horrid!!!!

Reply:that is a big name for a little baby
Reply:So what happens with the next girl and so on. I think it is a great tradition for the female family line (you are the male family line). Your sister in laws and their daughters to follow it is one thing but to ask a male to carry the tradition to his daughter is a little much. I really think you should just go out on your own.
Reply:Tallulah Anna

Tallulah Breanne [Favoritest]

Tallulah Joanne

Tallulah Anntionete

Tallulah Annibelle

Tallulah Kaine [kay-on-e] [kay-ANNE-e] [Good also, very original]

Tallulah Lee-Ann

Tallulah Cheyanne is good also, not my favorite.
Reply:Name your baby what you want!

casual shoes

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