Friday, November 13, 2009

When do you think my sister will have her baby?

okay so my sister is thinned out and she has been having so many contractions that have been waking her up at night. The doctor can see the babys head. Shes 39 weeks and 5 days and her due date is monday. Do you think she will have her before then? If not, the doctor said he will induce her monday and she will have have baby girl, Lily Jade. My question is do you think she will have her before monday because im impatient!!!! Also, she lost her mucus plug.. dur! And this is her first baby! what do u think about the name?

When do you think my sister will have her baby?
That is a pretty name!!!

Your sister will have a baby soon enough. Hopefully her body will go into full blown labor without getting induced, but than again it is hard to say. I could be tonight, but than again Monday!

I wish you and your family the best of luck, and congrats on being a Aunt!!!!
Reply:You must really be excited your But its a possibility. I just have never heard of a doctor that can see the baby's head and do nothing, I know all docs are different but that is a new one on me. Where I live if they see the baby's head its go time, you dont get a chance to pee before they are pushing things along.
Reply:She will probably go at any time now. I think the name is very pretty. I always loved the name Lily
Reply:Probably. I lost my mucus plug at the hospital, and she was born 4 hours later.

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