Friday, November 13, 2009

My husband and I are newly weds and want to have a baby!?

We are going to try to wait to find out the sex of the baby is when we have it. Whenever we do get pregnant! We have a girl %26amp; boy name. Our girl name, Marion, came from my grandmother, who died at the age of 26 and her middle name would be Jade, a name both my husband and I both love. Our boy name is Price, which was my maiden name, and the middle name is Edward, which is my husbands middle name. We love them both. What do you guys think about the names %26amp; do you think it means more if you name your children after family?

My husband and I are newly weds and want to have a baby!?
DO NOT have a baby yet!! Trust me on this one!!! When I got married at the age of 18 to my 27 year old husband, we decided a year later to have a baby. About 2 years later, our daughter was born. The problem is that we didn't really get to know each other too well because it was whirlwind that first year of travelling to meet his parents overseas and of settling down. We didn't really get to see each other through bad times before this. Well, he turned out to be an abusive jacka-- and broke my bones. So, I'm divorcing him now. I wish I would have waited to get to know him well in marriage before having had children with him. Now everything is really complicated. One thing, I will NEVER insult his mother. I will not call him an SOB or anything like that, because she was a saint. I have no idea how he could have come from her because I have never met a woman like her in my entire life, and have not since her death.
Reply:Names are entirely at the discretion of the parents. Your names are good names in my opinion. It does honor a family member to name a child after them.

The only thing to consider is if the name is an easy target for other kids to pick on them as they grow up and go to school. Kids can be mean and cruel sometimes. Other than that, it's about what you like.

I do believe in name meanings. Perhaps you want to look up the names you choose to know what they mean.

God Bless your young family!

Reply:I think it is important that you love the name and that it has meaning to you. Before I got pregnant I wanted a name that sounded cute. Now that I am due to have my first baby any day I realized how important it is to name her something special. My bf's name is adam and my middle name is lynn. So we chose to name her Madalynn. Picking a middle name to go with it that has a lot of meaning is hard, but important to us. As far as naming after family, if you are really close to your family then go for it. I like the names but remember that kids are harsh, anything you can think up to make fun of the names, your kids classmates will think up something way worse.
Reply:I think they are original good names for either sex. Family names are great because its personal and has a story behind it. My son's name is Skyler August. He was named after his great-grandfather's and people always assume we just grabbed Skyler out of a baby book because its become so common now which is a tad annoying. Overall, i think family names are good.
Reply:I think that a name is important whether or not you name your child after someone in the family. But really a name will not mean anymore if you name the child after someone in the family or not. It will mean something to you and that family member, but to anyone else it will only be a name. I think that you need to be comfortable with the name yourself, and it shouldn't matter what everyone else thinks. But trust me though if you are not pregnant yet don't pick names already. When i was pregnant there were names I picked just because I was in one of those pregnancy moods.

Good Luck with the name picking and have fun with it, don't worry about what other people think of the names that you choose.
Reply:its not important to name them after ur family but it is nice i was named after my grandmother my brothers both have part of my dads name theres nothing wrong with it go for it wat ever u guys like!! good luck!!
Reply:well mark must be a lucky guy! With that being said i think you are counting you chickens before thay hatch. However, i think it is awesome that you have already picked names out for your kids and you both agree upon them. I also think you are kicking buttocks in the family brownie points game. At any rate it is good to know what you want to name the little guy/girl because onw of my buddies named his KID blaze and they still argue about it. I would too.
Reply:Wait until you get pregnant. Then decide. Your feelings might change.
Reply:I think the names are pretty cool (just know that "Marion" is a fairly old-fashioned name, so she could hear some about that from the not-so-overly-tactful classmates in school).

I think names that have any kind of significance are good, to a degree. Choosing names from your family links them to someone in their own history. Naming a girl after a deceased great-grandmother could be kind of cool, because it will give her a kind of trans-generational connection. She'll probably love hearing stories about "Grandma Marion". Also, names chosen for their meanings can be pretty neat.

We did have a little baby-naming accident. One of our children is named for former family members. The other is named for meaningful words (his name means "Blessed Child of God".) We did not realize that son #1's name literally translates to "Crooked-nosed Deceiver". Pretty much, we don't tell anyone that our youngest child was named for the "Blessed Child of God" thing because invarably, someone would say "And what does Cameron's name mean?" Sounded like we played favorites in a very ugly kind of way.

I know it's not my business, and it's not your question, but please wait a teeny bit to get pregnant. When children come along, you will never get back the chance to enjoy your husband, just the two of you. We had our oldest child right after we got married, and we love him, and would change nothing about him, but both of us wished we had taken a little more time to enjoy being each others' one and only for a little while longer. It may seem neat to have Mommy, Daddy, and baby Marion or Price immediately, but there's nothing romantic about spending your first anniversary walking the floor with a colicky 6-week-old and I'm telling you, your relationship with your new husband will change even before the baby comes along.

Just a caution. Take it or throw it out. But I do like the names.

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